Vascular Specialist–September 2024

In this issue:  ‘Select CLTI patients may be safely treated in the office-based lab’: Single-center analysis finds outpatient setting met SVS objective performance goals ...

Vascular Specialist–August 2024

In this issue:  ‘Choosing the right devices for the right patients’: Surgeon-scientist secures NIH funding to develop MRI technique for precision PAD care SVS...

Vascular Specialist–July 2024

In this issue:   Grasping the nettle—huge opportunity for vascular surgeons to take the lead on the frontlines of peripheral arterial disease (PAD) treatment crisis,...

Vascular Specialist@VAM Conference Edition 3

In this issue: Chickasaw Nation study exemplifies how diversity can boost patient access to specialized vascular care Young vascular surgeons on the PAD frontier:...

Vascular Specialist@VAM Conference Edition 2

In this issue: Attendees welcomed to ‘more inclusive, more innovative, and more educational’ VAM Endovascular CFA treatment associated with increased rate of long-term...

Vascular Specialist@VAM Conference Edition 1

In this issue: The Crawford Forum: Quality in care is this year’s critical issue National Coverage Determination: Data and discussion come at key moment...

Vascular Specialist–June 2024

In this issue:   Verified vascular! Quality care in vascular disease will form a central backdrop to this year’s Vascular Annual Meeting (VAM) VAM...

Vascular Specialist–May 2024

In this issue:  Questions linger: BASIL-3 does not find for drug-eluting technologies for CLTI Guest Editorial: Aortas, open surgical skills and gratitude Vascular training:...

Vascular Specialist–April 2024

In this issue: Bad reading: Worrying new data demonstrate a consistent shortfall of more than a fifth in net revenues over a four-year period...

Vascular Specialist–March 2024

In this issue: Learning curve: New data underscore physician experience levels required to derive benefit from transfemoral carotid artery stenting  New analysis points to...

Vascular Specialist–February 2024

In this issue: SAVS outgoing President David L. Cull details his journey to the heart of diversity, equity and inclusion More than half of...

Vascular Specialist–January 2024

In this issue: Coding: Increasing complexity and lost RVUs—a drop in the ocean?  The utility of renal stenting in hemodialysis patients: one in five...

Vascular Specialist–December 2023

In this issue: Changing course: The natural history of tibial claudication comes under scrutiny as interventions for "relatively benign" disease trend upward  Our guest editorial...

Vascular Specialist–November 2023

In this issue: Carotid revascularization: Getting to the right decision SVS reveals proposed changes to Society bylaws Meta-analysis: The complete patient-level dataset on paclitaxel and...

Vascular Specialist–October 2023

In this issue: Preventing spinal cord ischemia: Novel techniques for direct segmental artery revascularization show promise Eastern Vascular: New data chart underrepresentation of women...

Vascular Specialist–September 2023

In this issue: When women are PIs: A story foretold on the vascular frontlines SVS members rally to respond to CMS carotid stenting coverage...

Vascular Specialist–August 2023

In this issue: SVS responds to New York Times exposé on overuse of vascular interventions  Long-awaited FDA update finds data do not support excess...

Vascular Specialist–July 2023 VAM Review Edition

in this issue: The numbers are in: VAM 2023 adds up to another SVS classic  Guest Editorial: The Golden Larva Syndrome: Is it...

Vascular Specialist@VAM: Conference Edition 3

In this issue: BEST-CLI investigators implore a move beyond endo vs. Open ‘battle’ in the name of scientific advance Presidential address: ‘The annual meeting...

Vascular Specialist@VAM–Conference Edition 2

In this issue:  Opening Ceremony heralds ‘power’ of VAM attendance Von Liebig Forum: Significant life and limb gains for claudicants who stop smoking before...

Vascular Specialist@VAM–Conference Edition 1

In this issue:  President-elect zeroes in on complexity of issues within vascular surgery pipeline ‘First’ study to identify endothelial cell-cell communication via bidirectional secretion...

Vascular Specialist–June 2023 VAM special

In this VAM 2023 preview issue: The Vascular Annual Meeting (VAM) beckons: "Our annual gathering is almost here. After months of planning, our premiere...

Vascular Specialist–May 2023

In this month's issue: BASIL-2 points towards endovascular-first revascularization strategy in CLTI patients (p. 1 and 3) A vascular mission: Defying assumptions in the...

Vascular Specialist–April 2023

In this issue: SVS, American College of Surgeons (ACS) launch new quality verification program (p. 1 and 3) SCVS 2023: Endovascular-first or -only approach...

Vascular Specialist–March 2023

In this issue: Four decades of AAAs in the U.S.: Rare epidemiological study establishes women are diagnosed and repaired 10 years later than men...

Vascular Specialist–February 2023

In this issue: Educate, and educate, and educate again: The continuing quest for appropriate venous care (p. 1 and 6) Likes, dislikes and reposts:...

Vascular Specialist–January 2023

In this issue: From SAVS 2023: Study probing which CKD patients would benefit most from renal artery stenting points toward those who experience a...

Vascular Specialist–December 2022

In this issue: Women in vascular: Annual summit dedicated to tackling key issues related to women’s vascular health and female workforce seeks to ‘enable...

Vascular Specialist–November 2022

In this issue: First data from BEST-CLI are revealed at the American Heart Association (AHA) Scientific Sessions (p. 1 and 12–13) The Society...

Vascular Specialist–October 2022

In this issue: Regional vascular society presidents measure state of specialty (p. 1 and 4) Study: Combined antiplatelet, NOAC use linked to worse limb...

Vascular Specialist–September 2022

In this issue: No time like the present: The moral imperative for advocacy in vascular surgery (p. 2 and 4) Corner Stitch: Audible Bleeding...

Vascular Specialist@VAM–July/August Review Edition

In this VAM 2022 conference review issue: Diversity gains momentum at the Journal of Vascular Surgery (p. 1 and 4) SVS walking challenge—Vascular Health...

Vascular Specialist@VAM–Conference Edition 2

Featured in this VAM daily edition: F/BEVAR has high technical success and low mortality in chronic post-dissection TAAA (p. 1 and 3) Systemic heparin...

Vascular Specialist@VAM–Conference Edition 1

Featured in this VAM daily edition: Researchers report higher three-year amputation, reintervention rates in Black and Hispanic CLTI patients (p. 1 and 2) Six...

Vascular Specialist–May/June 2022

In this re-launch issue: The Crawford Forum@VAM 2022: SVS President-elect Michael Dalsing discusses this year's topic: "Quality Vascular Care for All—An Aspirational Goal of...

Vascular Specialist–April 2022

In this issue: In our April cover story, we report from the Society for Clinical Vascular Surgery (SCVS) Annual Symposium on new evidence that...

Vascular Specialist–March 2022

In this issue: Dedicated vs. non-dedicated: Researchers place venous stenting under the spotlight at the American Venous Forum (AVF) 2022 annual meeting (p. 1 and...

Vascular Specialist–February 2022

In this issue: "Vital signs": Reporting from the Southern Association for Vascular Surgery (SAVS) annual meeting on skyrocketing nursing costs and their contribution to...

Vascular Specialist–January 2022

In this issue: "Strength in numbers": Global VASCC COVID-19 registries have already helped identify a framework to tackle delayed cases with applicability both inside...

Vascular Specialist–December 2021

In this issue: *This issue went to press before Congress moved to address cuts to Medicare due to kick in Jan. 1, 2022. "Countdown to...

Vascular Specialist–November 2021

In this issue: "In good hands?" The twin issues of center volumes for open AAA repair as well as training implications came under the...

Vascular Specialist–October 2021

In this issue: "Not all cuts disappear": We take a look at the threat posed to vascular surgery—and the office-based lab (OBL) setting in...

Vascular Connections–September 2021 (Review Edition)

In this VAM review issue: Outgoing President Ronald L. Dalman, MD, deals with the challenges of COVID-19 and the future direction of the Society...

Vascular Specialist–September 2021

In this issue: We hear from five vascular surgeons on the latest signal around paclitaxel-coated balloon (PCB) use in patients with peripheral arterial disease...

Vascular Specialist–August 2021

In this issue: The Vascular Annual Meeting (VAM) is nigh, and the specialty is grappling with several pressing issues across a number of fronts....

Vascular Connections–August 2021 (Preview Edition)

In this special VAM preview issue: Incoming SVS President Ali AbuRahma, MD, talks through this year's E. Stanley Crawford Critical Issues Forum: "The vasculature...

Vascular Specialist–July 2021

In this issue: "Fighting the good fight: The case for multidisciplinary limb salvage in face of increasing diabetes, diversifying nation" (p. 1 and 6) ...

Vascular Specialist–June 2021

In this special issue: Members of the SVS Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee introduce a multi-part special, featuring personal stories of overcoming prejudice,...

Vascular Specialist–May 2021

In this issue: Frank Veith, MD, makes the case for EVAR being "the treatment of choice" for ruptured AAAs (p. 1 and 6) Malachi...

Vascular Specialist–April 2021

In this issue: Three vascular surgeons journey through more than 60 peer-reviewed papers that make the connection between electronic health records (EHRs) and physician...

Vascular Specialist–March 2021

In this issue: Outpatient centers like OBLs have lately come under heavy scrutiny in light of new evidence highlighting outlier utilization rates. Last month,...

Vascular Specialist–February 2021

In this issue: A Vascular Specialist cover special on atherectomy and utilization rates: "Are high reimbursement amounts incentivizing inappropriate medical provider care?" (p. 1...

Vascular Specialist–January 2021

*The January 2021 issue of Vascular Specialist went to press prior to the news that the dates for VAM had been moved to August,...

Vascular Specialist–December 2020

In this issue: OBL: Community surgeons talk through surviving private practice in office-based labs (p. 1 and 4) "Present imperfect": Vascular Specialist medical editor Malachi...

Vascular Specialist–November 2020

In this issue: "Anatomy of a branding campaign: Making vascular surgery more visible"—how the SVS crafted a strategy aimed at elucidating what it is...

Vascular Specialist–October 2020

In this issue: Special interview: Kim Hodgson, MD, discusses his SVS presidency, his appropriateness-in-care agenda, the new SVS SET app, and his post-presidential priorities...

Vascular Specialist–September 2020

In this issue: Special report—"Action plan: How to help halt sharp cuts to Medicare" (p. 1 and 4–5) "Artery-to-vein AVF technique found to improve...

Vascular Connections–August 2020 (Review Edition)

In this special SVS ONLINE review issue: "Unveiling an AI-driven risk stratification tool to attain better stroke prediction" (p. 1) "COVID-19 survey: Support of...

Vascular Specialist–August 2020

In this issue: A special cover story featuring the latest science and key profiles—"Diversity, equity and inclusion: Disparities in medicine and vascular surgery" (p....

Vascular Specialist–July 2020

In this issue: A Vascular Specialist special report, introduced by medical editor Malachi Sheahan III, MD, focuses on vascular surgery's role in facing up...

Vascular Connections–June 2020 (Preview Edition)

In this special SVS ONLINE preview issue: SVS president-elect Ronald L. Dalman, MD, runs through how he brought together this year's Crawford Critical Issues...

Vascular Specialist–June 2020

In this issue: Special report: Vascular surgeons from across the world report on their early experiences dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic (p. 1 and...

Vascular Specialist–May 2020

In this issue: Special cover feature chronicling the first set of SVS Town Halls convened in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic (p. 1...

Vascular Specialist–April 2020

In this issue: Benjamin W. Starnes, MD, and Niten Singh, MD, report from Seattle in "COVID-19: Focusing minds on need to act as virus...

Vascular Specialist–March 2020

In this issue: ‘No evidence’ to suggest spinal cord injury is decreased by prophylactic drainage during EVAR procedures: Cover story on Gustavo S. Oderich...

Vascular Specialist July 2019

Vascular Specialist June 2019

Vascular Specialist May 2019

Vascular Specialist May 2019

Vascular Specialist April 2019

Vascular Specialist July 2018

Vascular Specialist June 2018

Vascular Specialist May 2018

Vascular Specialist April 2018

Vascular Specialist March 2018

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From the editor
